The process

The steps from the first paint stroke to the final reveal!

Step 1:

Sketch out grid/ design

Step 2:

Paint basic colors

Step 3:

Add details

Step 4:

Apply clear coat

Step 5:


The initial consultation is free. In that consultation we will discuss the timeframe, concept and an estimate for the cost of the project.

The second meeting will occur once we’ve agreed to work together and will include a rough draft of the design and a contract. The contract will include details describing the design, the rough draft, the start date and deadline, travel accommodations (if needed), and the price. Once the contract is signed, a 50% down payment will be required to move forward.

Once the down payment is received, I will begin work on the final draft of the design and will schedule a third and final meeting (if needed) for approval prior to Day One of the project.

The pricing

How to Determine the Cost of Your Mural.

  • Intricacy & Size

    The level of intricacy or difficulty of the design ranges from: simple, medium to detailed. Each category will have it’s own dollar amount assigned to it. Multiply that times the square footage of the mural and that’s your price! Pretty simple!

    Find the Square Footage of Your Wall:

    1. Measure the Length & Height of wall

    2. Multiply both numbers

  • Working Conditions

    Additional costs may be applied to the following spaces:

    -cramped spaces

    -complex surface

  • Cost of Materials

    Most times material cost covers typical painting costs

    (i.e. brushes, paint, tape, & tarp)

    Additional charges will be applied if specialized equipment is required

    (i.e. scaffolding or lifts).

    Any prep painting (base coat/ primer), wall patching, or wall preparations will be an additional fee.

  • Location and Hours

    Additional charges may be applied to the following:

    - Locations over 25 miles

    - Restricted Hours of Operation

  • Payment:

    50% down payment due at point of signed contract for the purpose of purchasing supplies. Once the project is completed, the remaining balance is to be paid in full.

    Note: payment plans are available upon request.

Why Does It Cost So Much?

There’s a story of a time when the famous Pablo Picasso was approached by a woman in a cafe and was asked to draw a picture. When he told her how much it cost, she asked why such a simple drawing cost so much. He responded, “What you consider simple took me years to master. You’re paying for the years it took for me to make a simple drawing look this easy.”

I take your dream very seriously. Before the work even begins, I spend several hours researching and sketching the design. A lot of care and concern goes into your project and in the end, its worth every penny and more!

Additional Services

  • Great for increasing the foot traffic of your business!

  • Great for guiding your customers, patients or clients through a tricky or large space!

  • Great for businesses, Air BNB homes, events and weddings!

  • Want to get your community to work together on a fun project? A community mural is a great to have all your neighbors of all ages and experiences levels to come together and create something you can all be proud of!

See some examples below…



